Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Team Building

Two of my classes have just finished up our Team Building and Adventure Games unit. It has been really fun to watch them progress through this unit. The units' purpose is to help students build relationships with their classmates on a "team" level, but it does not involve sports.

This form of PE is "non-traditional" to say the least, and is one that mature students enjoy the most. I always get extremely positive feedback from this unit. This type of PE does not involve athleticism. It involves problem-solving, trust building, and reaching a team-oriented goal. It helps define leaders and teaches students how to hear other people's thoughts on meeting problem-solving challenges that are presented.

This unit is taken and modified from Karl Rohnke, who is one of the creators of Project Adventure. It is one of the lifestyle units that we have incorporated into our curriculum, and it is one of the most applicable to life. Students move from Adventure Games to a Low Ropes unit, and then proceed to the High Elements Course. All of these units help develop the mind, body, and socialization process of our students, which is an extremely important part of development for students. Especially because much of our focus is on technology, which can tend to leave these important developmental stages behind.


Unknown said...

Great to see you are having such success with Project Adventure theory and methods. I'd love to learn more about where you are and you courses. PA also has a k-12 PE curriculum aligned with standards for most states and NASPE ...as well as a new Achieving Fitness book that is coming out in Jan. The focus in on creating self-efficacy so that students will believe they can achieve fitness and then getting there through non-traditional routes.

Debra said...

What an awesome program. It sounds like it sets students up for success, unlike competition where there is a winner and a loser. The kid who is picked last for a more traditional team may actually be an asset to a team in a unit like this. I sure wish this was the way PE was run when I was in school

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

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